Want to Impress a Special Someone? Use Your Good Food Gift Card for Fine Dining

We all know the feeling. One chance to impress. One moment in time that may define your entire future. Everything needs to be perfect. Perfect timing, perfect everything and if it’s not?
Your world might very well implode right in front of you.
Well, it may not be as dramatic as that, but it comes close to what we are feeling at that point.
Wanting to make an impression on someone special is a highly emotive, all-consuming mindset.
To involve fine dining in the mix means taking things to another level.
At least one thing can be removed from your extensive list of things to be mindful of.
You’ll be using your Good Food Gift Card.
Make the experience something special for the both of you.
So, what are the secrets of making a good fine dining impression?
Read on, gentle diners. You may forget something little that’s so important.
As Fine as Fine Can Be
There are not too many people that, given a chance, dislike the idea of a fine dining experience.
The one thing to keep in mind when trying to impress someone special is that it means different things to different people.
Hatted restaurants represent the elite of the food industry. They set a standard to which many aspire to and, given the right choices and set of circumstances, can achieve.
Does all fine dining equate to hats?
That would depend on who you talk to, but what’s more important is the dining experience matches the diner.
To Know Me is to Love Me
Whether it’s a romantic dinner or a make-or-break business meeting, consider the person before deciding on what fine dining establishment you will visit to set your scene.
Do you really know that person?
In terms of food likes and dislikes, there are many restaurants to choose from, but choosing a known favourite or one of a particular food preference is a great start to letting that person know you’ve considered their tastes.
Don’t forget, lots of diners prefer clean food restaurants, organic and sustainably sourced produce or can have certain food allergies.
Know before you go.
The Experience Matters
Making an impression on someone special is not a fleeting thing. Sure, it can be in the moment, a first glance, or a first glimpse at the venue’s location, but true great impressions have a bit more substance.
We all know the old saying first impressions count.
Why do you think that is?
Because people remember the first encounter, or in this case you, and it becomes imbedded.
From there?
Well, that’s where all the magic happens. What we have is an escalation whereby the whole experience is tied directly to you. It is at that time when the recollection of a restaurant becomes something more.
You become inseparable from the memory.
Who knew? There’s more to food than simply the act of eating.
Why Fine Dining
We all have food memories. Family gatherings, celebrations and events that mean something are etched on all the attendees’ psyches for the rest of their lives, and there’s one reason.
Food brings people together.
When it is cuisine and a restaurant that is not generally part of the everyday night out, the expectation certainly rises, but along with that is the opportunity to have this join the ranks of the most savoured of moments.
There will always be something special about the fine dining experience, yes. Still, it is an appreciation of the care, intricacy, attention to detail, and the owner and staff’s appreciation of the food served that bring many back to a fine dining experience.
If this special occasion happens to be your first, chances are it won’t be your last.
Need Inspiration?
Restaurants that impress are high on people’s thoughts when looking to show someone important what they’re made of.
The options are endless when using your Good Food Gift card in such a circumstance.
Check out Ormeggio in Sydney or Melbourne’s Flower Drum. For those dining in Brisbane, Otto is a definite treat. Our West Australian friends are not forgotten, with Perth’s Rockpool Bar and Grill becoming a favourite and for those residing in other states, simply check out the options for that special occasion experience.
Why Use the Good Food Gift Card?
Got yourself a Good Food Gift Card?
You owe it to yourself to use it in the best possible way.
If fine dining is something new to you, take the opportunity to impress that special someone with a night out to remember.
You’ll make the memories, and the card will take care of the rest.
Impressive, right? The right place, the right time, and the right Good Food Gift Card all add up to an event to remember.
When it’s time to show that special someone what real fine dining looks like, take your Good Food Gift card out for the ride. Find out today.